Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\select_translation\Plugin\views\filter\SelectTranslation::$valueTitle is deprecated in Drupal\select_translation\Plugin\views\filter\SelectTranslation->init() (line 33 of modules/contrib/select_translation/src/Plugin/views/filter/SelectTranslation.php).
Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\select_translation\Plugin\views\filter\SelectTranslation::$valueTitle is deprecated in Drupal\select_translation\Plugin\views\filter\SelectTranslation->init() (line 33 of modules/contrib/select_translation/src/Plugin/views/filter/SelectTranslation.php).
San Pedro del Romeral Cantabria 39686San Pedro del Romeral Cantabria Espainia
Salud emocional
Ofrezco CDS casero de alta calidad en agua destilada.
Sesiones biofeedback coherencia emocional con lectura digital medida y monitorizada por latidos cardiacos ( Hearthmath).
Sport Santé Bien-être, Coach, Pilates, Massage, Somato psychopédagogie..
Coach sportif, Facilitatrice du mouvement
Spécialisée en méthode Pilates, méthode neuro myofasciale, méthode sensorielle...
Massage bien-être à visée non thérapeutique
Somato psychopédagogue (fascia)
c/ sant Juan nº7 LLeida 25430junedaLleida Espainia
treballs de ferro i inoxidable astrologia psicològica (cartes natals)
Em dedico a fer treballs de en metall ferro/inoxidable com mobles, baranes i tot tipus de treball . També soc astròleg novell i aquest any segons la meva carta haig de sortir i donam a coneixem